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Keeping What You Got

Like the saying goes "no man is an island". To every successful man, there is always a behind the scene factor, there is always a source. In keeping what we have been able to archive in life there are series of principles one needs to follow.
First of all, your loyalty. Loyalty is the quality of been faithful in your support or believe to something. The loyalty at which you portray with which you were privilege to be blessed at first, you need to keep that loyalty and even be more loyal to your source and that which it has given you.
        Your SOURCE, yes your source. You must be proud of your source. This is why the saying goes “Don’t get what you can’t be proud of its source from. When you acknowledge your source and appreciate it. In appreciation you tend to get more, even more than you deserve. Appreciation goes a long way in keeping what you have gotten, even in times when you tend you lose those gift due to carelessness, when you source remember how appreciative you are, it tends to give you a second chance to reconsider your ways and make things right.
        And lastly, be careful of the appraisal you acknowledge or accept or get about your success and gift. Life is full of mysterious and dangerous people, even the devil himself is on earth. Your gift, the success story is another man’s dream and they are desperate people who will take you down for your gift. Don’t be too proud about what you got among men. Just be every grateful to your source both in the secret and in the open. Whoever ask about your success, direct them to your source.
        Like the saying goes “Wisdom is profitable to lead and direct.

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