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           Teenage is such a period when there are numerous vital changes in the body of both girls and boys. In the case of girls the reproductive system gets matured. According to a recent study, most of the girls who get pregnant mainly belong to the teenage group. This is all because of lack of proper knowledge and education.


1.       Unprotected sex is the main reason for teenage pregnancy. As the girls step into the teenage they feel as if they are quite matured now. But the actual fact is that they are totally unaware of the physical developments.

2.       During teenage period, most of the girls like to make many friends. Friends including both boys and girls. Sometimes the friendship becomes so closed that it becomes more than a friend. This creates a lot of intimacy between each other.

3.       Teen girls are more likely to get pregnant because they are unaware of the fact that should be informed to them  from  family. It is the sole duty of the parents and most importantly a mother who should inform her girl child about the consequences.

4.       Sometimes the various type of sexual abuse or forceful sex can also lead to pregnancy among teenage girls.


1.       Mothers should maintain a good friendly relationship with their daughters as soon as she steps into her teens. This can prevent your daughter from many problems.

2.       Discuss each and every issue with her and make her aware of the possible problems that may come in front of her. If your daughter complains about any such act, then please focus on it. Never leave her unattended. Give quality time to your daughter and talk to her clearly. 

3.       Don’t allow your daughter life to be spoiled the consequence of teenage pregnancy is really scary. Girls may end up her life if all on a sudden she comes to know about her pregnancy. S its impotent to discuss all the point with your daughter which are the main causes of teenage pregnancy.

     As your child steps into the teenage (adolescence) period, they need proper guidance and advice. This is the most crucial age in the whole human life cycle. There are many hormonal changes that take place inside the body. This reflects in both their body and mind. It can be well commented that teenage pregnancy is the most common problem faced by a girl child.

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