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21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.  And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Genesis 2:21-22

       I believe that females are imperfect males, wonderfully produced by the father. “There was a little girl who was writing on why there were more women than men in the world”. God made Adam first, she wrote and when he did finished and looked at the man he said to himself,’ I think I can do better than that if I tried again.’ So then God made Eve, and God liked Eve so much more than Adam that has been making more women than men ever since. That was a cute girl story but how true it is.

    There are males and females because that is the way God designed the human race. We were told in Genesis 1 vs 27 “so God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. Both male and female were created by God and they share equally in Gods image but they are different. One of the differences is the  fact that they were made in different ways, Adam being created from dust but Eve was made from Adam.

    Why didn’t God make her from the dust as he made her husband? Why this kind of miracle with such an elaborate procedure? God knew the offense it would cause in the 21st century, that’s why he made her out of man, he knew there will be a thing called "feminist right" someday, women wanting power  over man. Is God not Supreme. Take the male out of the female and what remains “FE” in chemistry that stands for Iron. Iron is lifeless. Is God not wonderful again.

     It was not until Adam saw the woman that he understand what he was for the very first time. In all that time he had worked in the Garden, before God had made the woman, Adam never thought of himself as a male. Being male had no meaning for him at all. He was simply Adam. It was only when he met the woman that he realized, “I am different; I am male and she is female “ Adam  experience what he was when he first met the opposite sex and he accepted the female as complementing his maleness.

   Women was created to share man’s life, to double it’s joy and it’s strength. Woman was created to draw man out of isolation. It was when Adam saw what God had done with the rib and when Eve knew from whom she had been made and got under his arms that they were finally complete.

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