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         Six petitions against embattled Senator Elisha Abbo has garnered 38,473 signatures so far. The petition range from ones calling for the prosecution f Abbo, who was seen in surveillance camera at an adult toy shop in Abuja assaulting a nursing woman, to ones calling for an end to the abuse on woman and girls.
      Since the video went viral on Tuesday, Nigerians have filed six petitions on popular petition platform. The petition with the highest number of signature was started by one Daniel Adebayo: in the petition, he said, “Senator Elisha Abbo, who has benefited from NOT TOO YOUNG TO RUN MOVEMENT and voted in as the youngest senator in Nigeria has acted irresponsible by assaulting a helpless and defenseless nursing mother without provocation”.
    “As a senator, he is meant to be responsible protect the right of Nigerians, instead he chooses to abuse and molest a defenseless citizen”. His behavior is abhorrent, completely unacceptable and totally condemn-able.
         I am appealing to Nigerians to help sign this petition so that he can be prosecuted and brought to justice, as this will serve as a deterrent to others who might want to abuse power and perpetrate similar acts.
         Other petition had titles like, “Recall of senator Elisha Cliff Ishaku for assaulting a nursing mother in Abuja; prosecute senator Elisha Cliff for aggravated assault, sign a petition to recall Sen. Elisha Abbo for physically assaulting a nursing mother, Justice for woman assaulted by senator Elisha Abbo, End abuse on women and girls.
          The senator said the incident happened in March 2019. The senate and inspector General of Police had ordered investigations into the incident.

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